Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Today has not been a good day so far, but I am determined to turn it around. It's only half way over!

I need to learn my lesson. No tequila on weeknights -- because they make me have crazy nonsensical dreams where I literally wake up crying! Regardless, I had a great time last night. Two NYJL provisional group members and I went to Southern Hospitality. Justin Timberlake's bar! WHY have I never been here before? Well, actually probably because it's on the Upper East Side and I rarely find myself there. It just so happened to be Trivia Night, but the girls and I just had a great time catching up, marg-(arita)-ing it up and just talking the night away.

Then, this morning I get an email from Orbitz reminding me to confirm my flight to San Antonio. Um, What?! I thought I cancelled it a month ago! I was supposed to get a full refund, but I guess it didn't go through. However, the customer service I called were not only unhelpful, confused, but most importantly, extremely rude. I'm sorry, but if you work in customer service and are a bitter human being, then I think it's time to switch jobs. The entire job description is SERVING the CUSTOMER. I am your client, and unless I am being rude to you I see no reason to be condescending. I used to use Orbitz ALL THE TIME and praise the amazing price assurance packages to my sorority sisters, friends, and family. Well, after this experience, I'm really put off and I just don't think I will be using Orbitz again. Ugh. I just hate unnecessary rude behavior.

Is any one impressed by the fact that I am posting two days in a row? I definitely am. Moving on to the title of this post. I've mentioned before that I have so many great loft goals and fail to carry through. So two things I'm trying to be consistent with in my life right now. Healthy eating and blogging... well, I guess I should throw exercising in there too!

I've stuck to my lent diet of no breads, pasta, rice, or potatoes. But today I cheated and had some croutons with my salad. Not the end of the world right? Haha, not as if eating fried chicken last night was healthy. I found a GREAT new lunch place though--wichcraft. It's a sandwich/salad place chain owned by the great Tom Collicchio (who also owns Panera...WHAT?) I already love this place. You can choose any sandwich filling option they have and throw in on a bed of salad with a yummy, light citrus vinaigrette. Thumbs up. Since SPRINGGG is coming, I will definitely be walking a few blocks further for this awesome lunch, hold the croutons though.

Happy Hump Day all! I hope you're having a better day than me so far!

1 comment:

  1. HOW ARE YOU NOT DYING WITH NO BREAD OR PASTA? I would be dead by now!! Good job :)
