Monday, January 10, 2011

2011 - Starting anew?

So much for consistently starting a blog. I'm not even sure what the "theme" of this blog is but with only three posts, I'm sure it's still open to interpretation. Whenever I have time, I like to follow SO many blogs: fashion blogs, mba blogs, law blogs, healthy eating blogs, etc. And originally, when starting this blog I wanted to have a culmination of all of those, but who am I kidding? That is just typical of me, over ambitious with grand ideas and impractical. I work 11 hours per day recently and when I am home, I definitely don't have time to catch up on others' blogs, grab inspiration from around the web and formulate my own opinions in a unique and interesting way for others.

So instead, I'm just going to write about ...whatever is on my mind.

Seeing as this is the first post of 2011, it's probably appropriate to elaborate on my expectations for this year and possibly resolutions?

Every year, I makes all of these do-able yet not so do-able resolutions and this year's is simple.

Say "yes" more often.

I don't want to be held back by myself any more. I've already made steps towards reaching this goal but I think that making a conscientious effort to actually get out there and do things will be good.

What I expect for 2011? Nothing too crazy and life changing, but maybe more finding myself and deciding what I want for my future: career wise. Little steps in life, right? Little steps that build into bigger ones?

I'm not usually so self reflective and emo-sounding (is this emo? haha) but after I found out that a once really close friend got engaged in the past week, I feel like everyone else is making huge moves with their lives and I'm sitting here twiddling my thumbs analyzing numbers all day. Yesterday, I didn't feel rushed or pressured at all about where I was/am/am going with my life in all aspects. But now, I'm realizing as more and more people are building... FAMILIES? along with their careers, I suddenly feel so ...not well rounded.

So anyway, here's to 2011, taking baby steps, and saying yes to all many opportunities that are around me (except for smoking with that weird emo/artsy guy that I met at a bar and is moving into the neighborhood) haha

-Panda with a key

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